The Itch Story

End Of Year Rap-Up and What’s Up For 2014

todayDecember 31, 2013

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God Dang, It’s been a while!

Had to get this in before the new year.

What a year it’s been. Exciting to say the least. However, we fell a little short of what we were meant to deliver.

Confession time:

You was meant to have watched the Itch FM story documentary by now, but it got delayed because our aim is to get the maximum amount of people to see it.

To achieve that we need to plan it properly and execute a bad-ass launch, but we just got too busy fighting all the fires that came with getting the live radio up and running.

For those of you that tuned in years ago would know of all the technical issues we had trying to stay on air. We thought it would be easier this time round. How wrong we were! There’s still issues. However, I think we’re better at dealing with them this time around.

Anyway, the year is ending and we have a couple of things to let you know about…

First, the documentary will be [finally] released to you and the public in January 2014. Yay!

We’re finalising the date and will update you in the new year. You’ll be able to hear all the stories from the DJ’s and some listeners about the highs and lows of Itch FM from 2000 to 2007.

Keep an eye out for that.


For those of you that have missed the lovely Shante’s face firing questions at your favourite artists and DJ’s, don’t worry, you’ll be seeing her again very soon…

.. We’re going to be rolling out a brand new video format via YouTube in the form of an Itch FM news show and we’re dang excited about it too.

This show will keep you informed of the latest and biggest hip hop news from the U.K, U.S and worldwide.

When you watch it, you’ll be so up on what’s happening out there in the world of hip hop. And if you spread the word about the new show, your friends will think you’re a star for bringing them the latest.

It’s not going to be one sided. We will be soliciting yo’ kind self to letting us know those little news-nuggets too.

We’ll shout out to those that contribute, letting people about know about you and all that good stuff. So, make sure you get involved!

January is the kickoff of what will start off being like train-crash TV and as it get’s closer to the launch we’ll keep you informed.

Also, we’re going to start a new Hip Hop debate show and deliver it to you in video format.

Here’s the skinny…

We’ll gather a panel who will consist of the one and only Mystro aka MysDiggy, Shante to play the moderator and other guest panelists to talk and debate about important (and not so important) issues within the hip hop community.

We’re still ironing out all the kinks, but as soon as we’ve got a date for when we deliver it to you, we’ll be shouting it out high and dry from the hill tops!

Don’t worry, we’ll still be doing the interviews…. Speaking of interviews, we’ve  uploaded our latest interview of Farma G’s son, Chester P’s nephew Remus.

WARNING: Not to be slept on. This kid is hot!

Watch this 6 minute interview and freestyle

Good hip hop definitely runs through this family!

Don’t take my word for it.. The interview has only been up for a day and it’s already attracted 32 tweets and 11 Facebook likes! Yep, he’s that good!

Anyway, for now and on behalf of all the management team, the DJ’s, the street team…

Have a great holiday, try not to get too drunk, be good to your love ones and make sure you sign up to Weight Watchers in the new year!


Itch FM

P.S. Don’t for get to tune in to the live show’s. I’ve heard it on the grape vine that the DJ’s are planning Christmas special shows.:)

Written by: Reece Nash

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