
Punchline departs Masta Ace’s Emc Crew

todayOctober 22, 2014

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On the 20th of October Punchline announced his departure from the Emc Crew. Masta Ace, Wordsworth and Stricklin will continue with business as a trio.

Masta Ace stated during an interview with HipHopDX

“It was clear Punch just wasn’t on the same page as the three of us, He’s a talented dude and we wish Punch the best”.

Punchline departs Masta Ace’s Emc Crew

Ace made it crystal clear there’s no animosity between the guys.

The crew begin their Greenroom tour of Europe this week, some of the countries listed are UK, Sweden, Germany Switzerland, Poland, Norway and Austria.

Punchline departs Masta Ace's Emc Crew


Check out the link below where the Emc Crew blessed us with a freestyle at the Itch.FM studios with Shay D and DJ Shorty on the LC Show.

[wpsocialboost_video youtube=’HMukbQLcG_E’]

Follow Masta Ace and Punchline on twitter


Written by: Mauvais Garcon

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