
[News] Immortal Technique’s Documentary “The (R)evolution of Immortal Technique”. (@ImmortalTech)

todayAugust 20, 2012

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Immortal Technique is a highly skilled and respected rapper whose social commentaries has gained him a huge fan base across the world. Immortal Technique enlightens the Hip Hop community of such issues like social injustice, inequality, and war, to name a few. Immortal has been involved in various charitable causes, and also helped build an orphanage in Afghanistan. Immortal Technique has now completed a documentary, which documents his life, from childhood to the present day. The documentary features in-depth conversations with major figures such as Chuck D., Dr. Cornel West, Ice T, and Woody Harrelson, along with personal commentary from close music friends AKIR, DJ Green Lantern, ILL BILL, Diabolic, and many others. Check out the trailer below.

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Written by: Mauvais Garcon

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