
[News] Jay-Z Ad for President Obama – “Power of Our Vote”

todayOctober 16, 2012

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Power of Our Vote
Power of Our Vote

The Obama campaign has released a new ad, Power of Our Vote, featuring Jay-Z endorsing the President…..

The president reinvigorated voting, he says,

and you’re starting to see the power of our vote. When the president got in office initially, what he represented to a nation of kids was hope. You know, the hope of people all across the country who would look and see themselves and know the possibilities. … Now people are exercising their right, and you are starting to see the power of our vote. He made it mean something for the first time for a lot of people.” (Mediaite)

Check the ad out below

Last month, the president attended a fundraiser Jay-Z and wife Beyoncé Knowles-Carter put together and revealed how much they both have in common.

Jay-Z now knows, you know, what my life is like. We both have daughters. And our wives are more popular than we are … So we’ve got a little bond there. It’s hard, but it’s okay. Beyoncé could not be a better role model for our daughters because she carries herself with such class and poise. And has so much talent … We’re on the brink of an election, but more importantly, we’re on the brink of moving America in a direction where we’re going to be more just, more fair. The economy’s going to grow in a way that includes everybody, an America that’s respected around the world because we’re putting forward our best values and out best ideals.” (New York Times)

Written by: ColumBo Bells

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